Julia is a Security Software Engineer at Cossack Labs, building convenient and affordable data security and encryption solutions. With background experience in mobile application development, she helps customers to choose and implement security controls for their products. Julia is passionate about tech communities. She is a Security Lead at Women Who Code Kyiv, a Leader of the OWASP Zhytomyr Chapter, and a contributor to OWASP MASVS/MSTG.

Julia is wondering if you have ever seen a situation when the company hires highly skilled software developers, but the resulting product fails security review completely? In her talk, we will raise the problem of shared responsibility, the importance of communication, and following the processes. The audience will learn the iterative process of building a secure architecture and how it’s different from secure coding.

Schedule link: https://cfp.nonamecon.org/nnc2021/talk/9PTUCG/