Hunting for APT in network logs (Workshop)
During this workshop we will ensure, that network logs are one of the most efficient sources to hunt adversaries, but building good analytics capabilities require a deep understanding of benign activity and attacker behavior.
Centralised Monitoring and Alerting system over AWS
“DIAL: Did I just alert lambda?”
Android Application Hacking with Damn Vulnerable Bank
This session aims to demonstrate our open-source application, Damn Vulnerable Bank. This application provides an interface for folks interested in android application security to assess their skills.
Dzień dobry, you’re hacked. Review of the biggest recent security incidents related to state, business, and mass sectors in Poland
So, what makes such a good basis in Poland for the book to appear? What is the cyber threat landscape? What were the biggest hacks and incidents recently? Why does the biggest cybersecurity community in Poland have more than 135K followers? Let’s take a look at Poland together…
Why the Options Pattern is Great for Security
The speaker will demonstrate three security benefits of the options pattern for object initialization by showing three examples. They will also suggest and explain a small but significant improvement to the options pattern that increases security even more.
All Roads Lead to OpenVPN: Pwn’ing Industrial Remote Access Clients
In this talk we will describe what industrial remote access solutions are, their common architecture, why most of them are using OpenVPN behind the scenes to control the encrypted tunnel, and how they manage the VPN tunnel using the OpenVPN Management Interface.
Discovering C&C in Malicious PDF using deobfuscation, enconding and other techniqueis
The goal for my talk is to demonstrate different kind of structures in the binaries as a PDF…
Attacks on Windows Infrastructure (Blue Team edition)
Beside detection of the most popular tactics, techniques and procedures like network discovery and lateral movement, are you ready for incidents where adversaries abuse windows infrastructure to achieve their goals?
Why can’t developers make it secure?
Julia is wondering if you have ever seen a situation when the company hires highly skilled software developers, but the resulting product fails security review completely?
DFA and code control flow obfuscation: a real-world example
Dima says that he is not too public person, so we will tell you a few words about his talk.