Dima says that he is not too public person, so we will tell you a few words about his talk.
During Dima’s talk, we will analyze code control flow obfuscation, based on deterministic finite automata (DFA), in a third-party iOS application downloaded from AppStore.
The talks consist of five parts:
1. Hello everyone, blah-blah-blah. _No special background needed
2. DFA definition, state transition table. _Set theory background needed
3. Reversing the iOS app, detailed analysis of the machine code. _ARMv8a/iOS internals background needed
4. Representation of the reversed code as DFA and vise versa. Beautiful of DFA states -> code calls
5. A quick summary with some useful/interesting links
Schedule link: https://cfp.nonamecon.org/nnc2021/talk/W7KLPC/